miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

Making a woman improve her strenght

BREAKING MYTHS. This are the 8 WODs Ana has done:

(3-2-16) DAY 1: 12’ AMRAP. 10 x Dead LIft, 10 x Hip Thrust, 10 x Back Squats, 10 x Shoulder press.

(6-2-16) DAY 2: AMRAP 12’ 10 x hip thrust, 10 x arm training, 10 x Box Jumps, 10 x rope jumps.

(9-2-16) DAY 3: EMOM 10’ 5 x sit-ups, 5 x broad jumps, 5 x tríceps dips.

(13-2-16) DAY 4: 12’HIIT (20’’ trainig, 10’’ rest) sumo squats, jumping jacks and burpees 

(18-2-16) DAY 5: EMOM 14’  5 rep x air squats, 30’’ min plank

(21- 2-16) DAY 6: AMRAP 12’ (10x isometric position, 30’’ climbing no stairs, 20x mountain climbers)

(25-2-16) DAY 7: EMOM 15’ (17x rope jump, 7 x burpees and 5x sumo squats)

(1-3-16) DAY 8: HIIT WOD. Two rounds (50’’ y 10’’ rest) Run –Burpee  – run – squats – run –sits ups. 

Warm up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aszIM_yF42s

Training: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhKQZRD6ySA&feature=youtu.be

Every time she sais "JAMRAP' or "EMOP'' she means AMRAP and EMOM.

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