miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

Does Crossfit really work?

Almost 2 months of training, have I become a little bit more Fit? Let's see it:


I've calculated my fat mass of September and it was 33 kg.


I believe that the part of my body that has got better has been my legs. During our first training I can't almost walk, but this has changed. For example, yesterday it was our last crossfit training and I worked mainly on my legs (squats with heavy ball, frozen squats and squats with the TRX) and today I am like I didn't do anything, I haven't got any stifness. In adition, working on my legs has helped me in order to improve my shots with the left leg: since I broke my ligament I wasn't so sure when I shooted with that part, now I've changed that.
My arms have improved too but not as much as the legs, I'm still having stifness.

It seems like Crossfit really works!!! I feel very proud of myself :)


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