miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

Dear Crossfit Diary...

13-1-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: today it has been my first crossfit training and I’m exhasusted. I don’t like this! I’m full of sitiffness.

15-1-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: second day and I can’t move myself… I’ve got stiffness even on my eyelashes! Today’s training has beenTABATA: sumo squats (I don’t know how to do this), jumping jacks, sprint and burpees (20’’ training and 10’’ rest, 6 rounds)

20-1-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: Today I haven’t gone to the school because I’ve got backache so I haven’t train!

22-1-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: Nutritional Walk is today’s training… Well, is less hard tan others days…

27-1-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: I’ve found today’s WOD very funny! AMRAP 15’ (30x hip bridge, 15 x partner row, 30 x single rope jumps, 15 x box jump) I’ve done 4 and a half rounds and… I need to have a rest… ZzZzzzZzzzzz…

29-1-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: today’s training has been: EMOM 18’ (5 x tríceps dips (I don’t know how to do them), 5x broad jump, 5 x sits ups) I have done every excersice in a high intensity way so I have had almost 20’’ of rest in each round!

3-2-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: Descendent Ladder! I’m starting to like crossfit… I don’t know why but I haven’t got almost any stiffness J Today’s WOD: Dead Lift, Back squatsHip thrusShoulder press.
I’ve arrived untill the round when I had to do 4 repetitions.

5-2-16. Nutritonal Walk yesssss!

10-2-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: today’s training it has been EMOM 15’ (17x rope jump, 7 x face up/down and 5x sumo squats (now, I know how to do them vewry good)) It’s the first time we have designed our own WOD. I've had almost 8'' in each round to rest.

12-2-16. Dear Corssfit Diary, today's WOD, 5 rounds: 10x heavy ball (well, I haven’t use a ‘’heavy’’ ball but… I’m tired anyway), 10 x jumps in a bench (I’ve invented this exercise) and 10 x modified squats so… jumping claping squats.

17-2-16. Today’s training has been with… Towels!!! Well, in my case old T-shirts! Mountain climbers, strides and a muscular arm training.

19-2-16. Nuuutritional Walk!

24-2-16. HIIT WOD today. Two rounds (50’’ y 10’’ rest) Run –Burpee (I hate this -.-) – run – squats – run –sits ups. I’ve almost died but not… well, what doesn’t kill you make you stronger!! On Friday we don’t have class. I've 

2-3-16. TABATA WOD today. 4 minutes doing each exercise (20'' working 10'' rest). The first squats with my TRX, second frozen squats, third squats with the heavy ball.

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