sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

Super crossfitter girl: Annie Thorisdottir

First article:

Annie Thorisdottir is a profesional athletic of CrossFit from Iceland who was born in Reikiavic. She is the co-owner of box Crossfit Reykjavik, where she  theaches this type of sport.Annie is the only woman that has won the CrossFit Games twice (2011 and 2012).She defeated Justin Forsett, a runner of the NFL (National American Football Team) in a competition of push-ups when she was coming back from a back lesion.
She trains 5 hours per day. She has done some publicity of Reebook and Vogue's magazine but what she really want to do is to become a health profesional.She said during a TV interview if it's not fun, it's not worth doing, and I completly agree with her.

Here is an interview where she answered some of the breaking myhts questions everybody wonder about. Woman and Crossfit: we're not the weak sex.

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