Last Tuesday (10th of May) we went to Baena to visit the TECO and TAFAD courses and to enjoy a day with them. The gave us a talk about emotional intelligence and then, we played games.
To thank them their hard work and behaviour we prepared them a healthy snack. Mine was Little Stuffed Tomato. The ingredients are:
Little tomatos (cherry or ''de pera'')
Fresh cheese
Turkey breast
In addition, last Thursday, my parents arrived home too exhausted: my dad spent all the day surrounded by olives and working on them. My mum went to have a long walk when she finished working. So that I decided to do them a quickly easy snack for them to eat taking advantage of my oven which was turn on I prepared Turkey Rolls. If you want to try them you'll need:
Last Saturday 30th of April a few of us had the opportunity of training in a crossfit gym as a gift that we recived from our teacher because of the work we did last term. Two personal trainers designed a routine for us. It was a great session although we finished very tired...
On Monday, here, in Castro were started the new multisport courts and I was there to play Voleyball with my female team. We enjoyed a lot and... by the way, we won ;)
I've been one hole week using this app: MyFitnessPal. Is very useful because you can sign everything you eat in order to have a control of your calories and to be conscient of what are you giving to your own body to make it work right. I proposed myself to lose weight:
My eating routine is very simiilar everyday and it embarrased my a little because although I know it's not okay I don't eat in a healthy way. I hardly ever eat breakfast just because I wake up so late that I haven't got enough time. I usually drink tea with milk because it makes me be awaker. I just have breakfast during the weekends, and I usually eat toasts with olive oil.
About lunch and dinner you may notice that I don't eat any fish. I know that's not healthy at all and that fish are essential for us to build up but I don't like it and my mum has given up with me.
I eat everyday two apples, one during the breaktime and other after lunch. About what I'm used to drink, I don't like any sparkling drink so I always drink water.
Now, you're going to observe my daily routine in eating. We can appreciate how I don't get the objective of almmost any macronutrient and my levels of proteins are usually under the minimun. Some days I have passed over the limitis, others like Tuesday or Wednesday are calorieless, it might be because during the weekends I am used to meet friends and we eat a lot during our meetings. It doesn't appear here but I have done some exercise during the week. For example, on Saturday I played Voleyball and on Tuesday I trained football.
I think I should eat in a different way if I want to get my goal of losing weight.
BASAL METABOLISM: (10 x Kg) + (6,25 x cm) – (5 x Years) –
BM = (10 x 71) + (6,25 x 169) – (5 x 17) – 161
BM = 710 + 1056,25 + 85 – 161
BM = 15020,25
Energy expenditure is mainly a sum of internal heat produced and external work. The internal heat produced is, in turn, mainly a sum of basal metabolic rate (BMR) and the thermic effect of food. External work may be estimated by measuring the physical activity level (PAL)
Last post this term. I’m finished. It has been a hard and complete term with very good and funny moments that we will keep for a
long time. But, what have I really learn about this project? Let’s see…
The most important thing is that gyms are not the only way
to become fitter, we have proved it in our clases. I have also learn how to create
a WOD, the structures and what is Crossfit about. We have learned to overcome
our obstacles and to fight for having all our goals. To break and destroy myths
about woman and training, and a very useful thing: how to become fitter in a
healthy way.
I have to say that I have worked posting things on my blog
mainly this last two weeks, I have known what do we have to do since January
however I haven’t done it untill the end. I’m a mess… whatever, I have to thank
my mates María Jiménez, Ángela Carretero and Juan Erencia because they have
helped me to finish my work. And, of course our teacher: Gloria, because she
has brought us a completly new way of seen PE clases and to learn useful things
for our lifes.
I have enjoyed, laugh, learn and train a lot. It’s not a
goodbye to #DesWhyFit, now it’s our turn to make use of what we have learned.
Almost 2 months of training, have I become a little bit more Fit? Let's see it:
I've calculated my fat mass of September and it was 33 kg.
I believe that the part of my body that has got better has been my legs. During our first training I can't almost walk, but this has changed. For example, yesterday it was our last crossfit training and I worked mainly on my legs (squats with heavy ball, frozen squats and squats with the TRX) and today I am like I didn't do anything, I haven't got any stifness. In adition, working on my legs has helped me in order to improve my shots with the left leg: since I broke my ligament I wasn't so sure when I shooted with that part, now I've changed that.
My arms have improved too but not as much as the legs, I'm still having stifness.
It seems like Crossfit really works!!! I feel very proud of myself :)
“Con el transcurso de
los años, se han formado un sin fin de estereotipos en relación a la mujer y el
deporte, es decir, se han formado una serie de ideas y configuraciones
sociales, que sin tener por qué ser ciertas, han condicionado notablemente el comportamiento
de la sociedad, frente a este tema, como es el DEPORTE y la ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA,
en relación a la MUJER.
Los estereotipos son
muy resistentes al cambio, a pesar de que sean rebatidos con la propia
experiencia o con información relevante, y éste es el problema principal de los
estereotipos relacionados con la mujer y el deporte.
Los estereotipos se
utilizan entre otras razones, para que determinados grupos sociales puedan
preservar y defender sus diferencias, ideológicas, sistemas de valores entre
otros; por lo que también existe en el mundo del deporte y actividades físicas.
Desde muy pequeña a la
mujer se le impone el rol de la feminidad, pero no únicamente el biológico,
sino el social, que es el que más influye. Este rol social de feminidad, le da
a la mujer la imagen de delicadeza y sumisión, frente a la agresividad y fuerza
del rol masculino. (...)
Durante siglos se han
puesto de manifiesto una serie de mitos, creencias, sobre la mujer y el
deporte, que han propiciado no solo una desigualdad con el hombre, sino una
gran discriminación de la mujer en este ámbito. Según Eitzen y Sage hay tres
mitos fundamentales que propician que las mujeres no accedieran, o limitan
mucho su acceso, a la práctica deportiva:
1. -La actividad
física y deportiva masculiniza a las mujeres.
2. -La práctica
deportiva es peligrosa para la salud de las mujeres.
3. -Las mujeres no
tienen interés por la práctica deportiva y, en caso de practicar, no lo hacen
de forma que puedan ser tomadas en serio.''
I want to coment the prhrase ''La actividad física y deportiva masculiniza a las mujeres'' . But what is masculine or female? Why do we have always to classify our exercise, activities, pleasures and behaviour depending on our sex? Blue for boys, pink for girls... Let's stop stereotype our society, and let's enjoy doing what we really like to do. And about ''las mujeres no tienen interest por la práctica deportiva'' well...
Third article
"En la mayoría de los casos son las mujeres las que tienen más inculcados los mitos acerca del Crossfit, muchas de ellas temen practicarlo porque el sólo hecho de imaginarse levantando una pesa les aterra y luego piensan que al entrenar, sus músculos crecerán como Arnold Schwarzenegger. Pero déjame decirte que esto es completamente ¡FALSO!.
¿El Crossfit hará que una mujer aumente el volumen de su musculatura? No, al contrario, el Crossfit hará que pierdas grasa y tus músculos se tonifiquen. Si quieres comprobarlo, puedes ver el video al final del artículo, se muestran mujeres crossfitters para que veas cómo son sus cuerpos, ninguna de ellas es musculosa con volumen, pero sí tienen bien definidos cada uno de sus músculos.Lo más importante, cuando practicas Crossfit, no sólo tonificarás tu cuerpo, sino que vas a adquirir fuerza, sin que tu cuerpo se vea grande. Con este entrenamiento vas a eliminar la grasa, por ende, disminuirás tu tamaño y aumentarás tu funcionalidad. Tranquila, si decides convertirte en crossfitter, estarás preparada para enfrentar cada día los desafíos que se presenten en tu vida. Ya no sufrirás esos terribles dolores de espalda o de cuello luego de haber hecho fuerzas que nunca hacías; tu cuerpo estará tan entrenado y listo que no sentirá el trabajo extra."
13-1-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: today it has been my first
crossfit training and I’m exhasusted. I don’t like this! I’m full of
15-1-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: second day and I can’t move
myself… I’ve got stiffness even on my eyelashes! Today’s training has beenTABATA:
sumo squats (I don’t know how to do this), jumping jacks, sprint and burpees
(20’’ training and 10’’ rest, 6 rounds)
20-1-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: Today I haven’t gone to the
school because I’ve got backache so I haven’t train!
22-1-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: Nutritional Walk is today’s
training… Well, is less hard tan others days…
27-1-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: I’ve found today’s WOD very
funny! AMRAP 15’ (30x hip bridge, 15 x partner row, 30 x single rope jumps, 15
x box jump) I’ve done 4 and a half rounds and… I need to have a rest…
29-1-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: today’s training has been:
EMOM 18’ (5 x tríceps dips (I don’t know how to do them), 5x broad jump, 5 x
sits ups) I have done every excersice in a high intensity way so I have had
almost 20’’ of rest in each round!
3-2-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: Descendent Ladder! I’m starting
to like crossfit… I don’t know why but I haven’t got almost any stiffness J Today’s WOD: Dead Lift,Back squats, Hip thrus, Shoulder press.
I’ve arrived untill the round when I had to do 4
5-2-16. Nutritonal Walk yesssss!
10-2-16. Dear Crossfit Diary: today’s training it has been
EMOM 15’ (17x rope jump, 7 x face up/down and 5x sumo squats (now, I know how
to do them vewry good)) It’s the first time we have designed our own WOD. I've had almost 8'' in each round to rest.
12-2-16. Dear Corssfit Diary, today's WOD, 5 rounds: 10x heavy ball
(well, I haven’t use a ‘’heavy’’ ball but… I’m tired anyway), 10 x jumps in a
bench (I’ve invented this exercise) and 10 x modified squats so… jumping
claping squats.
17-2-16. Today’s training has been with… Towels!!! Well, in
my case old T-shirts! Mountain climbers, strides and a muscular arm training.
19-2-16. Nuuutritional Walk!
24-2-16. HIIT WOD today. Two rounds (50’’ y 10’’ rest) Run –Burpee (I hate this -.-) – run – squats –
run –sits ups. I’ve almost died but not… well, what doesn’t kill you make you
stronger!! On Friday we don’t have class. I've
2-3-16. TABATA WOD today. 4 minutes doing each exercise (20'' working 10'' rest). The first squats with my TRX, second frozen squats, third squats with the heavy ball.
First one: Triceps dips. I’ve realised that my legs weren’t completly laid out so I was doing the exercise completly wrong because I wasn’t
working my triceps.
Second one: Burpees. The first time that our teacher showed
us this exercise I thought that she was kidding us. How can I do that without dying in the process? As everybody can see in the video, I couldn’t do more
than 20 seconds this exercise. To show my progress I’ve done 1 hole minute
doing burpees.
Third one: Standing ups. Honestly, even when my progress is
not very clear on this exercise, is the one that I feel prouder about. It was
impossible for me doing this exercise without puting my hands on the floor or
fall. The fact that now I can do almost three times means that I must have progress and learn from my Crossfit sesions. I gave up this exercise the
first time I did it, now I’ve taken it back!
Second debate: when my mother knew that we were training crossfit in the school she started to wonder if she could do it too. I showed her what we were doing and she started to be jelous because she'd like to practise this kind of sport too. When I realised that she was watching Crossfit videos on YouTube I started to worried. I didn't know how her body was going to react to this type of exercise, so I throw a question by Twitter
Third debate: my friend Ana wanted to know the origin of crossfit and I knew the answers :)
This is Ana, my super crossfit girl, she is my neighbour and
she’s 14 years old. She was born on the 14 of june of 2001, we know each other
very good because we have grown together. When we were children we use to play
football on our street. She does exercise twice a week, she says she doesn’t
have enough time. She thinks that sport is very god for our health and that we
have to do sport to disconect from our preocupations.
Observing this great wall that my partners and I have built with prhases that other people have said you can't avoid to want to improve yourself and to be better, to get all your goals.
Watching some videos of @Fuertaco I've discovered that he puts in the description of each video a link of music to do crossfit. Here are some examples: