domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2015

Game 1, 2 and 3

Game number 1: "El Lazarillo del Guadajoz" (Guadajoz's Guide)

In this emotional game called ''El Lazarillo del Guadajoz'' we make two groups with the kids. One of them, is very primp and he/she doesn't want to wear glasses. So, his/her friend will help him because his/her mother has asked him/her to buy eggs. The friend has to guide the snobbish one through the street in order to don't damage the items from the street. The group that brings the most eggs to their house, will win because their parents will make them the biggest omelette.
We'll need sticks with cones and balls (eggs)

Game number 2: ''Juanma quiere ser dinosaurio" (Juanma wants to be a dinosaur)

 In this emotional game, our kid Juanma, is the only dinosaur that lives in 2015. He doesn't want to be the only dinosaur in the Earth, so he has been looking for a way to become a human and he has found it. He only has to chase humans to achieve it.
Juanma starts as a dinosaur and he has to chase humans and touch them. When a human is touched, he becomes the dinosaur and Juanma becomes a human.
We won't need any material.

Game number 3: "Meteoritos" (Meteorites)

This is a cooperative called ''Meteoritos'' a meteorite has crushed in a continent and scientists from the NASA have been told to investigate the meteorites in order to find proofs about what happened. We make two groups withe the kids and they have to enter in their spaceship (hula hoop) and take the meteorite to the space station. They have to pass the meteorite piece (the ball) because it can explode. Kids have to take as many meteorites as they can (in the time we say) to the base.
We'll need two hoops and some big balls that will be the meteorite.

1 comentario:

  1. Really fun games from Fun Attack =)
    2 groupS. His mother has ASKED sounds better ;) .
    Kids have to take AS MANY METEORITES AS THEY CAN ;)
